VidyaDaan: A program of the nation, for the nation and by the nation to ensure continuity of quality learning

On 12th September, 2019, CBSE launched “VidyaDaan”, a program based on sourcing of content from teachers and meant to synergize countrywide developments by providing schools and teachers a space to share their best practices and e-content with the entire nation.

As a part of “VidyaDaan”, several CBSE schools have prepared and “donated” their content to CBSE for putting on public domain for the larger good of school education. Initially, the Board has curated e-content from some CBSE Schools and pooled it for classes VI to X for English, Hindi, Maths, Science, and Social Science subjects. The content has been systematically organized as per NCERT syllabus for the above mentioned classes and subjects. Each chapter in Vidya-Daan portal contains the following types of content resources to aid learning:

  1. Learning Outcomes: To help your teachers understand the learning objectives of the lesson
  2. Focus Spots: Highlighting some of the key concepts within a chapter
  3. Lesson Plans: Enable your teachers to plan the flow of their classes
  4. Explanation content: To help you understand concepts better
  5. Question Bank: For you, Sets of question and answers to enable more practice in schools and at home
  6. PDFs of NCERT textbooks
  7. Marking Scheme Rubrics for all subjects (only for class X)
  8. Experiential Content: Activity based learning and application of concepts
  9. Curiosity Questions: Create curiosity amongst the students before beginning a topic

For detail visit official website:

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