Tips and strategies for CBSE Board Exam

1) First Important steps towards the CBSE Board Exam would be to prepare a time table of Study and revision and try to stick to it.  Devote around 6-8 hours for studies on the daily basis.

2) Time management is another skill which will be very useful during the examination. It means you should be knowing how much time need to be devoted to each question.  Writing just enough for the question.  Attempting the larger marks questions.  You should be taking simulating exam situation in your home and give as many practice papers as possible

3) Do not play with your Health, Eating habits. Stick to the routine and follow normal health routine. Breathing exercise could be very helpful during this time

4) Answer sheet should be neat and clean. This helps in getting top score from the examiner. Use different color pen to write the important words so that examiner can get the feeling of the answer

5)Revision is very important . Go through important topics, formula. Prepare your short cheat sheet which you can go through one day before examination

6) Students may also practice from the Sample Question Papers brought out by the CBSE, Marking Schemes performance analysis which analysis common mistakes committed by the students and provides remedial measures.

7) Don’t try to attempt new topics before examination .It will make u stress full instead revise the topics which you have already done
8) Be positive and be confident. Take everything with a cool and positive mind

9) When you are done with the paper in examination,Dont rush immediately to examiner to submit it.It is advisable to check your answer sheet again and make sure you attempted the things properly and you have done the marking properly also

10) Try to answer the question in point to point fashion.

11)  If you feel stuck with any question in the examination room, Stay cool and think again. If don’t get the answer in few minutes, go for next question

12) It has been seen often writing in points instead of paragraph gives the examiner positive feeling about your sheet and result in getting top marks

13)  Draw proper diagrams. Label them cleanly.

14) Finally, Be confident and  take proper sleep on night before examination.

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